Do Employers Need to Allow Processes to be Served at Work?

Boxes in the background while a person fills out a delivery form. Many people try to keep their personal and professional lives separate. While some people may discuss interest in TV shows and what their kids are doing after school, most will not discuss major issues in their personal lives. Legal struggles are not typical watercooler conversation topics. Let’s explore the legal options for process servers delivering papers at your workplace. 

Process Servers Have Permission to Serve You at Work

In short, yes, process servers legal can serve employees and employers at their place of work. They also don’t need to get permission to deliver that service. Most people find receiving service to be embarrassing due to it usually being about bad news. 

Why is Work a Delivery Option?

Most services are done at home, but locating an individual can be difficult. In these cases, serving people at their work may be the best option. Most servers will attempt other options first, especially home delivery. A locked apartment lobby is to blame for the misses while other times, the work address is the only available address for you.

Servers are Respectful and Use Discretion

Process servers build their careers by being respectful. They do not want to make you look bad. When trying to make contact at work, servers will typically tell front desk workers they are here to make a delivery for you. Servers will then professionally and discretely hand off the papers. It will be up to you to disclose the nature of the visit. No one else will learn about the visit from the server. 

Sometimes, a process server will leave a business card to arrange a meeting place. We have found that people’s work occasionally is the best place for delivery. 

Process Servers Want to Help You

Process servers will only make an attempt at work as a last resort. They have no interest in seeing harm come to you, only to hand off papers. The longer it takes for you to get papers, the worse legal issues you will typically have. If unable to hand off the papers at your work, a process server may have to publish your service in a newspaper or online - a much more embarrassing option. 

Same Day Process Service provides professional legal options for clients of all sizes. If you need a process served, contact us today by calling (844) 737-8331.

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